There is a lot of talk out there nowadays about going green. Everything from the car you drive to the light bulbs you buy, “going green” is certainly getting the green light. If you are looking [...]
Welcome to the ultimate list for preparing your apartment before a short trip. After all, your trip should be as enjoyable and as fun as possible, but you’ll only be able to relax if you know [...]
Having your own apartment has a lot of great benefits. Having to take the time to deep clean your bathroom – that is unlikely on that list of desire activities. However, you won’t have to [...]
Where you live will have a big impact on your life. That doesn’t just mean the physical property itself, but also the location that you live in as well. After all, if you live in an area that is [...]
One of the best parts of living on your own is the fact that you don’t have to worry about anyone telling you to pick up your things or clean your bedroom. However, even though you may not be [...]
Renting your first apartment is a huge step for anyone. Whether you’ve been living with roommates in a college dorm for the last four years or you are moving out of your parents basement for the [...]
One of the great perks of having your own place is that you can invite over whoever you want, whenever you want. But while your parents may not be knocking on your bedroom door and asking you to [...]
Most people who live in an apartment know that not everyone lives in skyrise units that light up thanks to the sun peering through the glass windows that are typically used as walls. Instead, [...]